Pain in Top of Foot

A Solution to End Upper Foot Pain

Your pain in top of foot can have numerous causes. We will consider the most common here. Here you will also find options that can help eliminate the pain.

To get an accurate diagnoses, it is essential to see a doctor. Only a doctor can properly diagnose the cause or reason for the pain. Causes of pain on top of foot can be due to fractures (broken bones), extensor tendonitis, gout, nerve entrapment or cyst. Once the cause is diagnosed and treatment is given, if the pain control is not adequate, we would like to propose a solution.

Note: This is not a pass to skip the recommendations of your doctor. If you are told to do any kind of therapy or treatment, follow your doctors direction. IF you want to use alternative treatments, as some doctors have suggested here, use the logic and ask for the research showing the traditional way of treating works.


As with all of these conditions, you most likely will need to see a doctor to get diagnosed unless it is really bad. Either way, a doctor needs to care for you to prevent permanent damage and correct healing.

A fracture is a break in one of the foot bones. They can be caused by stress as the result of jumping, kicking and running. Even landing on your foot wrong while walking could cause a fracture.

The pain on top of foot can be quite severe. It may be tender to the touch. There most likely will be swelling but just because there is not swelling is not a reason to skp seeing a doctor.

Solution: Doctors often recommend rest, crutches and keeping weight off the foot. A foot/ankle brace may be prescribed. Sometimes casting is required. The Water Cures Protocol can help reduce the pain.

Additionally, once properly hydrated, the healing time can be shortened by using red light therapy or even better, LLLT therapy. While your doctor will most likely not be aware of it, the peer reviewed articles on how it speeds up bone healing tell how incredible this can be.


When the tendons on the top of the foot become irritated and inflamed, sever pain can result. This can be caused by shoes that are too tight, standing for long periods of time, walking/running on uneven surfaces, or calf tightness. Dropping a heavy object on your foot in the right place can likewise cause tendonitis.

Most notable symptoms include swelling, bruising and pain in top of foot. It may be painful when touched and shoes may be uncomfortable.

Solution: Until healed, lace your shoes differently. Traditional treatment includes resting the injury, ice the foot, employ ultrasound if prescribed, get a course of injections or stretch the calf muscles as directed by your doctor.

There is an alternative way. First, recognize the body does not do things for no good reason. The swelling is for a reason. If there is indeed an injury of some sort, once identified, discuss with your doctor the option of light movement to keep the fluids flushing out the toxins that result from the injury. Also use the oral version of a saline IV, the Water Cures Protocol to help with that flushing.

Would you prefer all natural ways to end the pain in top of foot and prevent the problem from recurring, find more in the Extensor Tendonitis section below.

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Your doctor can diagnose this not very common cause of pain in top of foot. Pain from sinus tarsi syndrome is in the area from the ankle to the heel. The channel that holds the blood vessels, nerves and ligaments that goes from the ankle to the heel bone gets inflamed and irritated. It can be caused from a sprain such as would come from certain activities like ballet and baseball.

Solution: The traditional treatment is rest, ice and therapeutic exercises. Some doctors are now skipping the rest and ice and moving straight to the therapeutic exercises. To prevent the syndrome, properly hydrating the body will play an important role. Likewise, to speed up healing, the Water Cures protocol can be a natural way to help heal faster.


Gout is a common cause of pain on top of foot. While most often, it affects the big toe, it can happen in a number of places, including the top of the foot.

Caused by increased levels of uric acid crystal formation in the foot joints, it results in severe pain. In addition to pain, there may be swelling, redness warmth around the affected area.

The tell tale symptoms include, redness, warmth to the touch, swelling, intense pain. The symptoms most often start in the late evening and go away within a couple of weeks.

Solution: Many have said that the Water Cures protocol can help, sometimes more is needed.

Likewise, prevention is as close as your water faucet. The water cures can work to both help prevent and to eliminate the pain by eliminating the cause of the pain.

The natural nutrients in tart cherry juice concentrate have been found to help. Get the highest brix count you can afford. One table spoon in a glass of water 2 times a day for 15 days will work as a loading dose. Then just a couple of days a week and you should be fine.


Cysts and especially ganglion cyst are another cause of pain on top of foot.

While considered harmless, these small pockets of jelly like fluid occur around tendons where they join the bone. They occur with age and or injury. They can be the size of a pea and be as large as a golf ball. They are usually painless until they start interfering with nearby nerves.

Solution: Normally they disappear in time. While they can be treated medically, the Water Cures Protocol may speed up the healing process.

There is an even more effective way to get rid of them. It is called Water Fasting. Some have found that doing the Water Cures and eating no food, simply fasting for a few days and up to several days will make them totally disappear. Some will fast a few days and then take breaks in-between fasts. The result is the same. We do not coach on this so please go to a website with a doctor that is expert on the topic. All we know is it works.


Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis

Tibialis anterior tendonitis is inflammation of the tibialis anterior (top) and the front of the ankle. It can result from excessive stress or repetitive motions such as with snow boarding, running, kicking or preforming on uneven downhill surfaces and improper exercise technique.

The symptoms include pain on top of the foot and in the front of the ankle.

Solution: While traditional treatment calls for rest and ice, (for which we still have not found research supporting the practice), and specific exercises prior to a gradual return to activity.

The body is designed to deal with injury. Inflammation is part of the healing process. Why would we want to turn that off. Some doctors are now promoting specific soft exercise, no ice, no elevation and yes, the oral version of a saline IV (the Water Cures Protocol) to flush out the toxins formed from the damage. Many athletic performers cannot wait and expect to maintain their salaries. Using the water cures protocol may in many instances speed up the healing process.

Adding the red light therapy to the Water Cures Protocol will speed the healing up even faster.

Other Pain in Top of Foot Causes

While there may be numerous causes of pain in top of foot, the one commonality is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. While it may not resolve the cause, it will help what ever you do to work even better. Why not give it a try?

Go, check it out, check out the Water Cures protocol and try it for free. See for yourself.

The Water Cures Protocol

More on Pain: The Water Cures Solution

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Heal Your Headache It Worked For Me

Hi, my name is Sharon. The webmaster of this site is my nurse, my personal water coach and my husband.

As this site was first being built, I had a headache and as usual took an Ibuprofen. Impatient for it to start working, I decided to try the Water Cures. I took a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Then I took a second pinch of salt and another glass of water. My headache was gone in less than 5 minutes.

From my personal experience, it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for Ibuprofen to work. Some have found it takes ibuprofen 24 minutes to start working.

Yet on the Water Cures protocol, my headache was gone in 5 minutes.

Its simple: give your body what it needs and your body will give you what you need, the ability to feel great.

Water Cures was the solution for the elimination of my headache. It is what I will use from now on.

Why not give it a try yourself.

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